Learn Anything Faster

Learn anything faster:


F - FORGET - forget what you think you already know (full glass effect). Forget situational things. (daily noise. It's always there). Forget your own limitations. That is self doubt. If you fight FOR your limits then you get to keep them.

A - ACTIVE - learning is not a spectator sport. You must engage. Ask questions. Imagine how you can use what you're learning.

S - STATE - Mood/emotion is key to learning. Information combined with emotion becomes long term memory. Without an emotional connection we're simply memorizing. 0 * anything is 0. If you don't connect what you're learning it doesn't matter.

The only things you can recall from k-12 in the classroom have an emotional connection to them.

T - TEACH - Learn it with the mindset you're going to give a presentation on it tomorrow. How much better will you seek to understand it? Actually TEACH someone. Then you learn it twice.

All learning is state dependent.


KWIK, J. I. M. (2020). Limitless: Upgrade your brain, learn anything faster, and unlock your exceptional life. HAY HOUSE INC.